5 Unexpected Lifestyle Triggers for Back Pain

A person sitting on the ground with their hands in their pockets.

Are these seemingly unrelated factors contributing to your bouts with back pain? There are plenty of issues with the spine that are entirely beyond the control of the person who is suffering when it comes to back pain. Congenital spinal defects, spinal tumors, slipped discs, and plenty more can wreak havoc on the back without…

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Debunking a Major Scoliosis Myth

A doctor showing someone something to look at.

“Naturally†reversing a spinal curvature is a dangerous notion. Many people have heard of the spinal deformity known as scoliosis, whether at a routine doctor’s appointment or from their child’s school nurse during a routine screening. They know it is a condition that affects the spine, but to what extent that effect matters, or when…

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Osteoporosis and Spine Health

A doctor talking to a woman in front of a skeleton.

Osteoporosis is a serious bone disease that can affect any bone in the body – including the spine. When it comes to commonly referenced severe health conditions, osteoporosis doesn’t seem to have as much shock value for people as say a cancer diagnosis might. But it may surprise you to learn that a man is…

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Back Pain and Depression

A woman smiling at the camera while being examined by a doctor.

Research shows a connection between depression and back pain, but help is available. Health research professionals have studied the connection between back pain and depression for many years. And unfortunately, I see this vicious cycle play out in countless patients throughout my career. Especially during this pandemic, when chronic pain can already feel like such…

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The Benefits of Pilates For People with Back Pain

A group of people doing different exercises on mats.

This low-impact exercise is high on muscle strengthening and posture alignment. Nearly 90 percent of American adults will experience at least one episode of back pain at some point in their lives, and the incidence of those episodes is on the rise. That rise is attributable to many factors, including a more sedentary lifestyle brought…

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Debate in Medicine Is Good for Everyone

A large group of people in front of a projector screen.

Though it can appear confusing to the public, scientific debate is critical to medical progress. AS I WRITE THIS, MORE than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic that has rocked our world, you might be sick of hearing about the “unprecedented time” in which we’re living. Perhaps you’re fatigued by the multitude of “experts” who may…

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Herniated Spinal Discs, Explained

A doctor showing someone something to look at.

A bulging or slipped disc is a frequent cause of low back pain and neck pain. For people who suffer from chronic back pain, determining the cause is the primary and most crucial step in eliminating it. In people who suffer from lower back pain (and sometimes neck pain), a herniated disc can be a…

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Prioritizing Spine Health in 2021

A man and woman sitting at a table with a tablet.

The COVID-19 pandemic shut the door on much in 2020, but not back pain. As I write this final blog in the year that was 2020, I’m sure I am not alone in hoping for a brighter, healthier New Year. People worldwide are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in various ways – from the extreme…

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The Lifecycle of Back Pain in Women

A woman with her hand on the back of her neck.

Biological circumstances that are unique to women can influence the way they experience back pain. BACK PAIN IS ONE OF THE highest reported reasons for pain, discomfort and disability among men and women in the United States. But did you know that the way it manifests, and the conditions it can lead to, differ between the…

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